Tuesday, September 4, 2007


To protect his identity, his name is Flip.

Flip applied for a transfer within his company while moving from one state to another. Everything was handled via the computer, all work was done, he was ready to go.

Flip arrived at work this morning where he was told he had been reported missing by his former location as he didn't report for work last week during his scheduled vacation and they had no idea about his transfer.

This is also the store where an employee told Skip that if he (the employee) were dying that Flip was to keep his "faggot" lips off him. Would HR do anything? No.

Happy September!


Debbi said...

O. M. G. I'm so mad! How dare that person???? I mean, it sucks about the error with the transfer, but the discrimination and bigoted ignorant stupidity of that asshole make me want to put him into his hypothetical situation so Flip can REFUSE mouth-to-mouth instead of having it rejected. Bastard.

Keith said...

I like Flip's lips.