Thursday, March 15, 2007

On flights and rudeness

So I'm about to jump on a plane home. Last Sunday when I was flying here to San Jose, the guy next to me was asked if he understood English as it was a requirement for him sitting in the exit row. He answered "a little" in that tone that meant "a little" are about the only two words I do know in your language. The flight attendant said "OK" so I felt obligated to remind him that the man had answered "a little." He was moved.

What is up with the seat belt sign? People are taking it as a suggestion these days and get up whenever they feel like it, even when the plane is moving towards the runway to take off. It seems that at least four times a flight someone is told to sit down as the seat belt sign is on. Even older people, who I would assume would have better manners and know better. Or not.

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