I mean, Germans LOVE Pink! Especially her song Dear Mr. President. It's currently #2. Here is the video...
Some more observations...
T-Mobile is THE phone carrier here. You can tell by the large number of phone booths with pink phones!
They have good Apple Streudel where I'm working.
Full-length doors can be opened for some air all around the office on every floor. Amazing.
Flying here on Saturday/Sunday I flew right over the tip of Greenland, near Iceland, Belfast, Ireland, Manchester, England, . I don't know why I thought we'd just fly straight here. Due to the flight pattern, you could see sun the entire trip!
I'm used to reading The Washington Post online every morning but now I can't read it until nighttime.
There is good Thai food here!
I had to go to Eschborn for work yesterday morning and for the first time, I had a taxi driver that didn't speak good English. I write down the addresses so I can show the taxi driver where to take me but this taxi driver couldn't find the address in Eschborn so there I was in the middle of a strange city with no idea where to go! I asked a few people but none of them had any idea where my address was. Luckily I had my contact's phone number and she came and met me.
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