More than three years and Skip and I have never been to a concert together. Time to change that! I got us tickets to the True Colors tour this summer with Cyndi Lauper, Erasure, Margaret Cho and more. And it's at a place I have yet to visit, the Red Rocks Ampitheatre. My Mom has been and has been bugging me to see it so that will fix that. Sadly, we've lived in Colorado for almost a year and a half, the Ampitheatre is about 10 minutes away but I have only seen it from the road.
I have seen Margaret perform at least three times, all in DC. Cyndi I have seen more than that and the first time I was front row center! I was in high school and she was performing about 1.5 hours away in Lakeland, Florida. My parents were going to be out of town and said I couldn't go so I went :-) After buying the ticket and a one-way bus ticket, I had 16 dollars to my name, not enough for the round trip. I got there about 11 am and was 7th in line. Sat there all day by myself (I must have been hungry) and when they let us in they detained me to search my knapsack so I lost my great place in line. It was general admission and somehow I nudged my way up to the front row again. There were bars you could hold onto as you could get right up against the stage and I held on for dear life, since people in the second row back were just swaying and moving around from all the pushing and shoving. First up was Eddie Money who I could have cared less about. The girl sitting next to me and I took turns either untying his shoe laces or writing on his white sneakers with blue ink. After untying his shoelaces, he would go back mid-stage and put his shoe up on a chair to re-tie it.
Cyndi was amazing. I still have a green feather from one of her skirts that fell off (I did NOT pull it)! Other people would touch her when she got close and she would pull away, but when I did it, she was fine. I even touched her toes to her knee!
So the concert ended and I had no way home. AND I was scheduled to work at McDonalds at 4 am the next morning. I stood by the exit of the venue and some of the last people I saw come out were people that I recognized, but didn't know, from my high school. I begged them for a ride and even though their car was full, they gave me one.
I don't think my parents found out until I told them.
P.S. Skip informs me that we have seen a concert together, it was .... Cyndi Lauper and Taylor Dayne! I loves me some Taylor Dayne.
P.S.S. Evidently I have absolutely no memory whatsoever. Now Skippy reminds me that we have also seen Olivia Newton-John. I just love that song, Sam.
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