I LOVE The Office. I saw the first season from Netflix a few months ago and finished Season 2 last night. Tonight's season premiere was hilarious. Even though it's a fairly large cast, I like that you can tell exactly what each person is about even if you only watch one episode.
Critics seem to have panned Jericho, but Skip and I like it a lot.
But best of all so far is Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. Oh my gosh it's amazing. It's written by Aaron Sorkin, the same guy who wrote The West Wing.
So the best thing about being home for a while (6 weeks so far) is that it's much easier to stick to my diet and exercise routine. I'm down almost 25 pounds this year so far, it's nice to fit into my old clothes again!
We're supposed to have snow tomorrow or Saturday. Just thought you'd like to know. I think we just skipped right over Fall.
My Mom is coming to visit for a week to coincide with Skippy's birthday (October 1st) so we've been doing a lot of projects around the house to get ready. One thing we have wanted to do is get some pictures for the downstairs living room. Last winter I took some pictures of the house and surrounding area after it snowed. So I fired up iPhoto on my Mac, and sent away for some 16 by 20s from Kodak. I had the pictures in less than 48 hours and they looked amazing. I highly recommend it.
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