Yes, snow. On August 28th. Skip was in Winter Park, Colorado yesterday for work and saw it snowing.
And to add insult to injury, we went out to dinner with friends last night and had I wore jeans and a leather jacket!
Currently (at 7:05 am) it is 47 degrees and too cold to even have the windows open.
On a brighter note, here is our freaky Sha-Sha lounging under a new rug this morning.
Have you seen Transamerica? It is a wonderful movie. Felicity Huffman won Best Actress at the Golden Globes and certainly deserved the Oscar but didn't win it. There is a great commentary on the DVD where Felicity talks about what it took to find her character, the voice, etc.
Skip and I have been making our way through Strangers With Candy. I liked it right away, it took Skip a few episodes to get into it. We're on the last season now and are very sad that it's ending. I will now watch anything with Amy Sedaris in it.
So here's the deal about going to the gym and eating right...I have found out a few things about myself this year. One is that I need structure. The other is that I would rather be at the gym at 3 am than at 6 pm. So when I was working assignments in California earlier this year where I had to be at work at 7 am, it was no problem with a 24 Hour Fitness nearby but meant I pretty much didn't go to the gym at all when there wasn't. Now I'm on an assignment (until next year, most likely) where I don't have to be at work until 8:30 or 9 so I have plenty of time to go to the gym in the morning, especially since I've been waking up (on my own) at 4:30 am or so. The eating right part always just falls in place when I'm working out regularly. Best of all, the gym I go to now in NJ has a nice pool and I love to swim.