My blog seems to have a Wii slant (ha ha) lately, hope you don't mind.
Luckily I pre-ordered Wii Fit from Amazon the first day it was available. It arrived when I was out of town but I got to play it as soon as I got home last week.
The first thing you do is take a test. You get weighed, do some balance tests, etc. so the game can decide how you look and your BMI. It can't really calculate your BMI since it doesn't know how much of your weight is muscles. Very evident when I saw my fat self on the screen there. I am down from a size 38 to a 32 and a lot more muscley (is that a word?). I tried not to take offense.
There are many different sections of games you can play, the first being yoga. Well I do yoga almost every day but this is nazi yoga. Not only do you have to do the pose correctly, but if you aren't almost perfectly balanced, the game knows and tells you. Talk about a work out.
Yoga is of course only one of the sections. Skip loves the running game and I always know when he is doing the hula hoop game because I hear the laughing coming from him.
This is a fun, fun game. Even the people that aren't playing enjoy the experience. Come over and try!