Wednesday, April 30, 2008
It's about time
I used to work as a Sign Lanaguage Interpreter and the big rage was the first generation Blackberry devices that could be used to actually text back and forth instantly. We take it for granted now but it was a breakthrough in being able to talk to my Deaf and Hard of Hearing friends (and of course for them to talk to each other). Finally in 2008 AT&T has stepped up and offered a data plan geared towards their needs. I shudder to think about how much money they've spent over the hears for a voice plan that many of them couldn't use.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Discrimination part ???
Who can keep track? Here is the latest incident experienced by Skip. Evidently Home Depot still doesn't care if one of their employees is called a faggot. I would have love to have seen the outrage if the N word was thrown around.
Skip's words...
"A fellow associate asked me to help a older male customer with window tint in the decor department. I walked over to the customer to tell him with tint was the one with the mirror side. I started to speak and said "This is the one..." I was cut off by the customer very loudly stated " Don't come over here with your attitude you flaming faggot... You sissy boys are going to show me the respect I deserve." I was blind-sided I just turned away and said I was done and walked away. I went down the aisle where a policewoman that I had spoke to earlier and she asked me what happened. I told her. She asked me if I wanted her to say something to him. I told her no thanks. She said she would not have been able to keep her mouth shut she would have had to say something. I went over and told my supervisor what had happened and he said I am glad you didn't say anything back. (I knew he felt it was no big deal really) I also told him I would not help the customer and he went over to help him. I was back in the aisle with the policewoman and the customer walked down the aisle and from where he was he could not see her. He started to snicker at me and she stepped out and said what did you say. He said "nothing". she said I thought so. She was leaving too and I told her to have a nice day and she said "see ya later sweetie, smooches!" We laughed and she went on her way.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
I dare you to watch it only once...
Ah, Robin Sparkles you fake Canadian teen Pop Star, I can't get enough of you. As someone who still loves Debbie (oh, sorry, Deborah) Gibson, I'm the perfect target audience for this. I could have picked about 100 umm 100,000 guys hotter than James Van Derbeek (sp)?
If you don't watch How I Met Your Mother it's time to start! This is the second Robin Sparkles spoof they have done.
Check out Sandcastles In The Sand. (better quality video with the links)
And in case you missed it, here is her first video Let's Go To The Mall.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Sunny Pittsburgh
Friday, April 18, 2008
He was a good dog

We had to put Gaston to sleep a few days ago. He was 16, 2 years older than most dogs of his type live. He got to the point where he couldn't stand still without his paws giving out on him and would fall down just trying to eat his dinner. At night he had dementia and would just wander in circles.
It's a very sad thing but I feel good that he's not suffering or confused any more. When we took him to the Vet's office of course the adreneline kicked in and he seemed great for about 5 minutes or so until he started slipping again. He also tried to go under a desk that he was clearly too tall for multiple times, but this is something he has done all his life. Skip and I are convinced that our time in Colorado extended his life by at least a year but even there his eyesight and hearing started to fail him. As scared as he was of loud noises (especially fireworks) that was actually a good thing.
The funny thing about Gaston is he never actually gave you affection. Never nuzzled, never licked you, he would just walk up to you and give the goofiest grin, even though he was usually telling you that he wanted food or a walk. Sometimes he would use you has his personal scratching post and did like little massages, but he wasn't the most demonstrative dog. We loved him all the same and his special little smooches with one of our cats will be missed.
We will miss you, Gaston. You were a good dog.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
40th Birthday Cake

Here is a 40th Birthday cake. Normally we get to photograph the cake at home but this one had to travel to Ocean City so the picture was taken on-site. The numbers are edible white chocolate and this cake debuted Skip's new marshmallow fondant! Everything on the cake (except for the base) is edible.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
An Ocean City Sunrise

Last weekend we were in Ocean City for a birthday party. Good thing we had an oceanside view room because it was waaaaay too cold to go on the beach that morning. It's not as pretty as a Colorado mountain sunrise, but it will do!
[Nikon D300, 18-200mm VR zoom lens at 50mm, 1/500 of a second at f/4.5 and ISO 200, hand held.]
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