Well we had about 18 inches left from the last storm and then we got 33 inches more!
This view is off the living room.
from the front door looking at the sidewalk and driveway.
Here is a view from the driveway looking at the front sidewalk/front door.
Major blizzard, no power for six hours, not much firewood. Fun, fun, fun! We already have more snow total than last week's storm, pictures to come in the am!
Here's a Gingerbread House that Skip made from scratch!
Here are some videos of:Our animals playing including Blossom...The 48 inches of snow we got this week...The gingerbread house that Skip made...
The trip wasn't too fun, but my rented Jeep Grand Cherokee made it very comfortable. Where has Sirrius been all my life? If only I had my camera with me to take pictures of the beautiful snow covered Rockies.
While Denver's official total was less than 21 inches, we got 48 here at the house.Check it out! That is snow without the drifts.
Here's the roof...
Check out the two of them playing (and my feet) here. I'm off to shovel snow! I hope you all are having wonderful holidays.
So you may have heard of the little snow Denver got (more than 44 inches at my house). My plane home is supposed to leave Burbank in less than four hours, but well that's not happening. In fact, if I wanted to fly, I wouldn't be getting home until at least Tuesday night. So I'm driving. Through the Rockies. I returned my rental car and got a 4-wheel drive (Jeep Grand Cherokee with Sirrius!). I do not like driving (just ask Skip) but here I am.Some observations....There were a LOT of people going to Vegas on a Thursday afternoon. What's up with that?I passed a town called Zzyzx. Seriously.There's supposed to be a snow storm in the Rockies late today, so I'm hurrying to beat that.I have pictures to post from the snow. I'll get those up when I get home. Happy (late) Winter Solstice!
Snow count at the house yesterday at noon - 4 to 6 inches. Current total - 40 inches. It's still snowing! Will I be able to get home tomorrow? Will asthmatic Skippy be able to shovel enough of the driveway to even attempt it? Who knows! All I know is that he's taking pictures and sending them soon.
It was 83 degrees here today, the hottest temp in the country. It really doesn't matter how many Christmas trees/decorations/etc. they have here, it's hard to get in the Christmas spirit with this kind of weather.
Hopefully I won't go overboard with Blossom entries...Let's see. She's 13 weeks old and she knows fetch, scratches on the door when she has to go out and even took a nap in her cage yesterday all by herself! It's hard being away during the week...
she starts doggie school tonight!
You may have heard about the various TVs being destroyed by Wiimotes, hands getting caught in ceiling fans by overzealous Wiisports tennis players, etc. Here is one of the funniest articles I have seen on the subject...
Have you ever heard Soul Kiss by Olivia Newton-John? I seem to have to listen to it every time I warm up and stretch at the gym. Don't listen to it, you'll be hooked!